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Video: Caribbean Reef Shark Attacked by Spearfishing Diver

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On March 18, 2014
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Video: Caribbean Reef Shark Attacked by Spearfishing Diver

Check out this amazing footage from a diver wearing a GoPro video camera in the Cayman Islands. This spearfisher was busy collecting lionfish when he was engaged with by a Caribbean reef shark (who seemed to be mostly interested in the lionfish). Using his spear to keep the shark at bay, the diver was lucky to swim away unscathed.

What do you think? Did the diver react appropriately by using his spear?

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Check out this amazing footage from a diver wearing a GoPro video camera in the Cayman Islands. This spearfisher was busy collecting lionfish when he was engaged with by a Caribbean reef shark (who seemed to be mostly interested in the lionfish). Using his spear to keep the shark at bay, the diver was lucky to swim away unscathed.

What do you think? Did the diver react appropriately by using his spear?

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