Dive the Nashua Navy Tug off the Coast of Oahu
Location: Oahu, Hawaii
Depth: 65 ft
Visibility: 15-30’
Who it’s For: Advanced Divers
What Makes it Special:
The Navy Tug Boat, Nashua, sits alone on the sand in 65-feet of water off the coast of Oahu. It was purposely sunk in 2012 to form an artificial reef, and has since become an active training site for the US Navy. Locked bins storing Naval supplies can be seen outside the ship along the sea floor.
It’s also home to numerous species of marine life, including enormous puffer fish and reef sharks who can be spotted through port holes and holes in the deck. Small coral blooms and polyps speckle the hull and deck, while various soft corals fan beneath the ship’s rudder.
At 109 feet long, the ship’s holds provide ample swim-throughs and penetration.
Dive Oahu offers premier charters to Nashua from Waikiki. Visit www.diveoahu.com to book your next dive.

Kachilla ImagesAn octopus rests at Navy Tug dive site.