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Eden Beach Resort Bonaire: Southwest Corner

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On September 19, 2016
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Eden Beach Resort Bonaire: Southwest Corner

Southwest Corner Diving

Southwest Corner’s turquoise shallows get divers up close and personal with lush marine life.

Eden Beach Resort

This popular haven for hawksbill and loggerhead takes its name from its southwestern perch off Kleine Bonaire.

Southwest Corner’s world renown stems from two related factors: the dive’s propulsive currents and tightly cropped, colorful reefs. The local corals have adapted to Kleine Bonaire’s shearing waters, growing tidy and low to the ocean floor. “Tidy and low” doesn’t mean “lifeless,” however: Southwest Corner’s verdant throng of sea fans, sea rods and sea plumes house cleaning stations for local tangs to escape the current. The site is also a well-known stop off for hawksbill and loggerhead sea turtles gliding past Bonaire’s southwest coast.

Like other Kleine Bonaire dive sites, Southwest Corner features a sloping reef wall. While not a drastic or harsh as other Kleine Bonaire mainstays like Forest, the site’s 120-foot dip lavishes divers with enough thrills and memories to cherish.

Divers and snorkels closer to shore can kick side-by-side through Southwest Corner’s coastal waters. With depths between 20-30 feet and crystal-clear visibility, Southwest Corner’s turquoise shallows get divers up close and personal with the Caribbean’s lush marine life. The abundance of coral blooms hugging the coast is unique to this site, giving beginning divers a great spot to kick away from the strong currents.

Visit to book your dive at Southwest Corner today.

Eden Beach Resort

Eden Beach Resort

Eden Beach Resort