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Florida Keys Turtle Hospital Update

By Scuba Diving Editors | Published On October 15, 2017
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Florida Keys Turtle Hospital Update

Who doesn’t love an up-close-and-personal encounter with a sea turtle? There are several dive destinations that are known for sea turtle sightings but there is at least one place where you can always go to spot a sea turtle — The Turtle Hospital in Key Largo, Florida.

We had a chance to check in with the staff at The Turtle Hospital recently to see how they fared after hurricanes Irma and Maria, and luckily the damage is minimal and all the turtles survived. Unfortunately, some of their staff members lost homes and possessions, so The Turtle Hospital is operating with fewer staff members. The good news is that means they are currently hiring. Despite the staff shortage, they are already back to rescuing turtles like this one here:

Check out the photos below from our post-Irma visit to The Turtle Hospital:

sea turtle key largo

The Turtle Hospital

Kelsey Albina
sea turtle photo

The Turtle Hospital

Kelsey Albina

The Turtle Hospital is a small non-profit organization dedicated to the rehabilitation of endangered sea turtles, and is entirely supported by the interest and generosity of donations.

baby sea turtle key largo

Baby sea turtle at The Turtle Hospital

Kelsey Albina

Read more about how The Turtle Hospital was able to keep their turtles safe during the hurricanes.