60:Second ScubaLab - Thermalution Power Heated Undersuit

This unique suit is designed to eliminate the chill divers feel in cold water
Designed for cold-water divers, Thermalution’s Power-Heated Undersuit can be worn beneath any wetsuit. A thin, flexible heating element built into the nylon/lycra Undersuit lays against your back and radiates heat while you’re cruising the cold depths. A mini controller lets you choose between three temperature settings that can be adjusted under water. The element heats up in under a minute and will keep you warm for more than two hours on a single charge. The Undersuit comes with a pair of rechargeable lithium polymer batteries, a battery charger, a universal power adaptor and a user’s manual. The Bottom Line: The Thermalution Undersuit can extend bottom time and eliminate the body chill that commonly occurs at the end of a cold-water dive.