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Grand Cayman Eh!

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On April 15, 2007
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Grand Cayman Eh!

Second trip to Cayman and am still impressed. A small, safe place to visit, and the reefs are still in great shape. Dove several wrecks and walls this time and had a blast. Cayman is also great for easy access to great snorkeling - some great locations right from shore. The economy is growing rapidly but the quaint charm is still there. If you are looking to certify while you are there I would like to suggest Dave McKay for the job. He used to run eden Rock and is now in Law enforcement there - a great guy to dive with! [email protected].

Second trip to Cayman and am still impressed. A small, safe place to visit, and the reefs are still in great shape. Dove several wrecks and walls this time and had a blast. Cayman is also great for easy access to great snorkeling - some great locations right from shore. The economy is growing rapidly but the quaint charm is still there. If you are looking to certify while you are there I would like to suggest Dave McKay for the job. He used to run eden Rock and is now in Law enforcement there - a great guy to dive with! [email protected].