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Consumer's Guide to Dive Insurance

A good dive insurance policy may be your best piece of safety equipment.

Recreational Diving: Teaching Others to Dive and So Much More

Today, there are hundreds of careers in diving. A recreational dive leader instructs and supervises recreational divers.

Join Divers Alert Network (DAN)!

Divers Alert Network is a 501(c)(3) non-profit medical and research organization dedicated to the safety & health of recreational scuba divers.

24 Deep Diving Tips from the Pros

The risks of DCS, running low on air and nitrogen narcosis increase as you go deeper. That's why you need our plan.

Buddy Diving: Legal Liabilities

If your dive buddy gets hurt or dies, could you be found liable in a court of law? In a word, yes.

Rebreathers 101

Our technical editor confronts myths about rebreathers and argues that semi-closed systems make sense for recreational divers.

8/31: How to Find a Buddy

Do your homework. There are several options for finding a dive buddy before your vacation.