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Healthy Diving: Treating Coral Scrapes and Sea Urchin Wounds, Missed Safety Stops and Learning Breathing Techniques

Our dive experts help answer your questions on a variety of topics related to healthy diving.

Find More Fish: Eight Divemaster Secrets

We asked professional fish finders for their tricks. Now the secrets of the masters can be revealed.

9/8: How To Wash a Regulator

If you have a tank, mount the regulator to it and turn on the air to pressurize. While hosing or soaking the regulator, press the purge button to wash inside the second stage.

Dive Training: End Ear Pain

Do you have trouble equalizing your ears underwater? These 6 expert tips will help you clear your ears faster than you can say Valsalva maneuver.

Why Divers Panic

Plus, a bone and joint quiz and results from our online poll.

Instruction: CNS Oxygen Toxicity

Too much of a good thing can be hazardous to your health.

Diving Without a Leg To Stand On

Plus: Diving after a root canal and a cold and flu quiz.