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Making an Out-of-Air Ascent

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Making an Out-of-Air Ascent

Exhale slowly. The air in your lungs expands as you ascend, and it's not uncommon to exhale all the way up and reach the surface feeling you have more air in your lungs than when you began the ascent.

You're a good diver. You could be better. We tell you how in "Dive Better, Dive Safer: 101 Tips that'll make you a Pro".

Exhale slowly. The air in your lungs expands as you ascend, and it's not uncommon to exhale all the way up and reach the surface feeling you have more air in your lungs than when you began the ascent.

You're a good diver. You could be better. We tell you how in "Dive Better, Dive Safer: 101 Tips that'll make you a Pro".