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Texas Clipper sunk off South Padre Island

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On November 18, 2007
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Texas Clipper sunk off South Padre Island

Divers in southern Texas have a new artificial reef, the 473-foot Texas Clipper, which was sunk Nov. 17. The World War II-era vessel brought U.S. troops to Iwo Jima and mainland Japan, carried passengers across the Atlantic and was used for training by Texas A&M University sea cadets. The ship now lies in 134 feet of water nearly 20 miles off South Padre Island. The 10-year, $4 million project was managed by the Texas Artificial Reef Program. The actual sinking took two hours after being delayed a couple days due to inclement weather.

Divers in southern Texas have a new artificial reef, the 473-foot Texas Clipper, which was sunk Nov. 17. The World War II-era vessel brought U.S. troops to Iwo Jima and mainland Japan, carried passengers across the Atlantic and was used for training by Texas A&M University sea cadets. The ship now lies in 134 feet of water nearly 20 miles off South Padre Island. The 10-year, $4 million project was managed by the Texas Artificial Reef Program. The actual sinking took two hours after being delayed a couple days due to inclement weather.