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Stanley Holz of Whitefield, New Hampshire

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Stanley Holz of Whitefield, New Hampshire

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week

Stanley Holz

Congratulations Stanley Holz on being named Photographer of the Week
Stanley Holz Stanley Holz from Whitefield, New Hampshire Age: 56 Years Diving: 41 Certification: AOW, Nitrox "This picture of me was taken in 1963 about a year after I started diving. It was taken at White Lake, N.Y. and I'm wearing my Dacor Dart regulator, have an SPG at the end of the hose, and a depth gauge on my wrist.It was all very 'cutting edge' at that time."
Wreck of the Cayman Mariner
Location: Cayman Brac Dive site: East Chute Camera: Sea & Sea Motormarine IIEX with YS-60 strobe Settings: Ambient light, f-5.6 at 1/60 sec., 16mm lens Film: Fuji 100 Image Description: The Cayman Mariner is a classic tugboat sunk about 20 years ago.
Diver silhouette
Location: Cayman Brac Dive site: Wilderness Wall Camera: Sea & Sea Motormarine IIEX with YS-60 strobe Settings: Ambient light, f-16 at 1/60, 16mm lens Film: Fuji 100 Image Description: This was just a nice shot of my dive buddy Emil that we both liked.
Lots of healthy sponge and coral
Location: Cayman Brac Dive site: Buccaneer Reef Camera: Sea & Sea Motormarine IIEX with YS-60 strobe Settings: TTL strobe at f-8, 16mm lens Film: Fuji 100 Image Description: A beautiful shallow reef site with lots of healthy sponge and coral.
Russian Destroyer wreck
Location: Cayman Brac Dive site: Russian Destroyer Camera: Sea & Sea Motormarine IIEX with YS-60 strobe Settings: Ambient light, f-22 at 1/125 sec. Film: Fuji 100 Image Description: I really enjoyed diving this wreck. There were lots of great angles to work with.
Flamingo tongues
Location: Cayman Brac Dive site: Green House Reef Fish/Marine Life ID: Flamingo tongues Camera: Sea & Sea Motormarine IIEX with YS-60 strobe Settings: TTL strobe, f-22, 1:2 macro lens Film: Fuji 100 Image Description: I had limited success finding subjects for my macro lens and these guys were very cooperative.
Green moray eel
Location: Cayman Brac Dive site: Pillar Coral Reef Fish/Marine Life ID: Green moray eel Camera: Sea & Sea Motormarine IIEX with YS-60 strobe Settings: TTL strobe, f-11, 35mm lens Film: Fuji 100 Image Description: This big guy greeted every diver and stood his ground.
Pink vase sponge
Location: Cayman Brac Dive site: Green House Reef Fish/Marine Life ID: Pink vase sponge Camera: Sea & Sea Motormarine IIEX with YS-60 strobe Settings: TTL strobe, f-16, 1:2 macro lens Film: Fuji 100 Image Description: Very pretty and very small--I needed my macro lens for this shot.
Location: Cayman Brac Dive site: Tarpon Alley Fish/Marine Life ID: Tarpon Camera: Sea & Sea Motormarine IIEX with YS-60 strobe Settings: TTL strobe, f-8, 16mm lens Film: Fuji 100 Image Description: There were dozens of big tarpon schooling at this site, but visibility was limited.

| Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week|

Stanley Holz

| Congratulations Stanley Holz on being named Photographer of the Week | | | |

| ![Wreck of the Cayman Mariner](/files/old/images/potw_images/020912PW_01_holz_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Cayman Brac **Dive site:** East Chute **Camera:** Sea & Sea Motormarine IIEX with YS-60 strobe **Settings:** Ambient light, f-5.6 at 1/60 sec., 16mm lens **Film:** Fuji 100 **Image Description:** The _Cayman Mariner_ is a classic tugboat sunk about 20 years ago.| | ![Diver silhouette](/files/old/images/potw_images/020912PW_02_holz_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Cayman Brac **Dive site:** Wilderness Wall **Camera:** Sea & Sea Motormarine IIEX with YS-60 strobe **Settings:** Ambient light, f-16 at 1/60, 16mm lens **Film:** Fuji 100 **Image Description:** This was just a nice shot of my dive buddy Emil that we both liked.| | ![Lots of healthy sponge and coral](/files/old/images/potw_images/020912PW_03_holz_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Cayman Brac **Dive site:** Buccaneer Reef **Camera:** Sea & Sea Motormarine IIEX with YS-60 strobe **Settings:** TTL strobe at f-8, 16mm lens **Film:** Fuji 100 **Image Description:** A beautiful shallow reef site with lots of healthy sponge and coral.| | ![Russian Destroyer wreck](/files/old/images/potw_images/020912PW_04_holz_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Cayman Brac **Dive site:** Russian Destroyer **Camera:** Sea & Sea Motormarine IIEX with YS-60 strobe **Settings:** Ambient light, f-22 at 1/125 sec. **Film:** Fuji 100 **Image Description:** I really enjoyed diving this wreck. There were lots of great angles to work with.| | ![Flamingo tongues](/files/old/images/potw_images/020912PW_05_holz_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Cayman Brac **Dive site:** Green House Reef **Fish/Marine Life ID:** Flamingo tongues **Camera:** Sea & Sea Motormarine IIEX with YS-60 strobe **Settings:** TTL strobe, f-22, 1:2 macro lens **Film:** Fuji 100 **Image Description:** I had limited success finding subjects for my macro lens and these guys were very cooperative.| | ![Green moray eel](/files/old/images/potw_images/020912PW_06_holz_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Cayman Brac **Dive site:** Pillar Coral Reef **Fish/Marine Life ID:** Green moray eel **Camera:** Sea & Sea Motormarine IIEX with YS-60 strobe **Settings:** TTL strobe, f-11, 35mm lens **Film:** Fuji 100 **Image Description:** This big guy greeted every diver and stood his ground.| | ![Pink vase sponge](/files/old/images/potw_images/020912PW_07_holz_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Cayman Brac **Dive site:** Green House Reef **Fish/Marine Life ID:** Pink vase sponge **Camera:** Sea & Sea Motormarine IIEX with YS-60 strobe **Settings:** TTL strobe, f-16, 1:2 macro lens **Film:** Fuji 100 **Image Description:** Very pretty and very small--I needed my macro lens for this shot.| | ![Tarpon](/files/old/images/potw_images/020912PW_08_holz_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Cayman Brac **Dive site:** Tarpon Alley **Fish/Marine Life ID:** Tarpon **Camera:** Sea & Sea Motormarine IIEX with YS-60 strobe **Settings:** TTL strobe, f-8, 16mm lens **Film:** Fuji 100 **Image Description:** There were dozens of big tarpon schooling at this site, but visibility was limited.|
![Stanley Holz](/files/old/images/potw_images/020912PW_00_holz.jpg)| Stanley Holz **from Whitefield, New Hampshire** **Age**: 56 **Years Diving**: 41 **Certification**: AOW, Nitrox "This picture of me was taken in 1963 about a year after I started diving. It was taken at White Lake, N.Y. and I'm wearing my Dacor Dart regulator, have an SPG at the end of the hose, and a depth gauge on my wrist.It was all very 'cutting edge' at that time."|