Moray Dive Gear Awards Win This Prize

Carrie GarciaMoray custom-made the lights for the Brimmers.
Each issue, we publish a winning letter and award a prize donated by a gear manufacturer. In our November/December issue, Jenna Brimmer wrote a letter that we chose as our Win This! prize winner. The prize? Two DCT dive lights donated by Moray Dive Gear. Moray's Trevor Theriault was so moved by Jenna's letter that he had the dive lights custom-made for the Brimmers — a pink one for Jenna and a camo one inscribed with his name for SPC Christopher Brimmer. On this Veterans Day, as we honor our military veterans, it seems appropriate to reprint Jenna's letter:
Little Piece of Home
My husband, SPC Christopher Brimmer, is on his second deployment in Afghanistan (after a deployment in Iraq) with the 14th engineer battalion. I have his current subscription to Scuba Diving sent directly to him and he reads it all the time, saying it helps him remember the fun times from the past, and that it allows him to have a little piece of home in such a crazy, unfamiliar place so far away.
An advanced open-water diver, he loves scuba diving and has gone more times than I can count, including his favorite destinations in Grand Cayman and Baja, Mexico. I’m writing with the hope that you might put this letter in; it would lighten his spirits and put a smile on his face. Thank you and keep up the good work on an awesome magazine. Jenna Brimmer — Brooklyn Center, Minnesota
Moray's DCT dive light is a combo dive light and underwater noisemaker and puts out a powerful 150 lumen from a single LED, and can be heard 100 feet away (