Photo Contest Finalist - Which is Your Favorite?

2012 Photo Contest Finalist - Thumb
All entries in our 2012 photo contest are in, more than 400 in all — thank you to all of you who worked hard producing these shots, we are amazed at your talents.
The staff of Scuba Diving has narrowed the choice for grand-prize winnner down to two finalists; it's a tough choice between these gorgeous images as you can see, so we thought we'd ask for your two cents too. Cast your vote here, and then check our August issue to see if your choices matched ours. And keep shooting: We'll be announcing details on our 2013 contest very soon!

All entries in our 2012 photo contest are in, more than 400 in all — thank you to all of you who worked hard producing these shots, we are amazed at your talents.

The staff of Scuba Diving has narrowed the choice for grand-prize winnner down to two finalists; it's a tough choice between these gorgeous images as you can see, so we thought we'd ask for your two cents too. Cast your vote here, and then check our August issue to see if your choices matched ours. And keep shooting: We'll be announcing details on our 2013 contest very soon!