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Top 10 Reasons Why Leprechauns Aren't Good Divers

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Top 10 Reasons Why Leprechauns Aren't Good Divers

Top 10 Reasons Why Leprechauns Aren't Good Divers

10) Other divers keep putting them in their goodie bags.

9) If your air tank was bigger than you, you wouldn't be a good diver either.

8) Leprechauns inhale Guiness Stout instead of air and mistake the anchor for a big shilling.

7) They don't wear a BC with enough lift to compensate for the pot of gold.

6) While suffering from nitrogen narcosis, they eat yellow starfish and claim that they are magically delicious.

5) Even when the water's not rough to cause seasickness, they "get green."

4) They are "snack size" for most sharks.

3) They keep chasing after rainbow trout trying to fill their little pots.

2) Their pointy ears create too much drag in the water (applies to Vulcans too).

1) Leprechauns aren't good divers??? Every time I go to 130 fsw on air I see them all over the place — they must be good divers!

Top 10 Reasons Why Leprechauns Aren't Good Divers

10) Other divers keep putting them in their goodie bags.

9) If your air tank was bigger than you, you wouldn't be a good diver either.

8) Leprechauns inhale Guiness Stout instead of air and mistake the anchor for a big shilling.

7) They don't wear a BC with enough lift to compensate for the pot of gold.

6) While suffering from nitrogen narcosis, they eat yellow starfish and claim that they are magically delicious.

5) Even when the water's not rough to cause seasickness, they "get green."

4) They are "snack size" for most sharks.

3) They keep chasing after rainbow trout trying to fill their little pots.

2) Their pointy ears create too much drag in the water (applies to Vulcans too).

1) Leprechauns aren't good divers??? Every time I go to 130 fsw on air I see them all over the place — they must be good divers!