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Top 10 Pick-up Lines for Divers

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Top 10 Pick-up Lines for Divers

Top 10 Pick-up Lines for Divers

10) "The way your mask leaves those lines on your face is soooo sexy!"

9) "Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I can really see myself in your wetsuit."

8) "Of course it's for science! We're all gonna be living down here one day!!"

7) "Pardon me, when you walked by my mouth went dry ... could you spit in my mask for me?"

6) "Tan line from a wedding ring? No, that's just mysterious underwater coral bleaching."

5) "That wetsuit would look great on my floor!"

4) "I'm tired of one-dive stands — I'm looking for some meaningful buddy breathing."

3) "Voulez-vous plongez avec moi?"

2) Sobbing: "Can you believe they still kill dolphins in some countries?"

1) "I'm either bent or in love, sweetheart, because when I see you I get all tingly."

Top 10 Pick-up Lines for Divers

10) "The way your mask leaves those lines on your face is soooo sexy!"

9) "Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I can really see myself in your wetsuit."

8) "Of course it's for science! We're all gonna be living down here one day!!"

7) "Pardon me, when you walked by my mouth went dry ... could you spit in my mask for me?"

6) "Tan line from a wedding ring? No, that's just mysterious underwater coral bleaching."

5) "That wetsuit would look great on my floor!"

4) "I'm tired of one-dive stands — I'm looking for some meaningful buddy breathing."

3) "Voulez-vous plongez avec moi?"

2) Sobbing: "Can you believe they still kill dolphins in some countries?"

1) "I'm either bent or in love, sweetheart, because when I see you I get all tingly."