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Andy Lerner of Santa Monica, Calif.

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Andy Lerner of Santa Monica, Calif.

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week

Andy Lerner

Congratulations Andy Lerner on being named Photographer of the Week
Andy Lerner Andy Lerner from Santa Monica, Calif. Age: 48 Years diving: 13 Certification: PADI open water
Whitespotted toby
Location: Maui, Hawaii Dive Site: Sheraton Reef Marine Life ID: Whitespotted toby Camera and Settings: Nikon 100 w/60mm lens in Light & Motion Titan housing with Sea & Sea YX-90 strobes Description: Normally a skittish little fish, this one became interested in his reflection in my lens port.
Reef squid
Location: Papua New Guinea Dive Site: Lion Island Marine Life ID: Reef squid Camera and Settings: Nikon 100 w/60mm lens in Light & Motion Titan housing with Sea & Sea YX-90 strobes Description: This was taken while she was coming in to check on her eggs.
Blue-spotted ray
Location: Papua New Guinea Dive Site: Milne Bay Marine Life ID: Blue-spotted ray Camera and Settings: Nikon 100 w/60mm lens in Light & Motion Titan housing with Sea & Sea YX-90 strobes Description: It's a lot of frustrating work getting close to these animals.
"Hairy" ghost pipefish
Location: Papua New Guinea Dive Site: Milne Bay Marine Life ID: "Hairy" ghost pipefish Camera and Settings: Nikon 100 w/60mm lens in Light & Motion Titan housing with Sea & Sea YX-90 strobes Description: Many thanks to the dive guides for helping find rare fish like these.
Hawaiian green turtle
Location: Maui, Hawaii Dive Site: Sheraton Reef Marine Life ID: Hawaiian green turtle Camera and Settings: Nikon 100 w/60mm lens in Light & Motion Titan housing with Sea & Sea YX-90 strobes Description: I'm not sure, but I think he's smiling.
Crown of thorns
Location: Maui, Hawaii Dive Site: Black Rock Marine Life ID: Crown of thorns Camera and Settings: Nikon 100 w/60mm lens in Light & Motion Titan housing with Sea & Sea YX-90 strobes Description: It's tricky business working close to the poisonous thorns on these guys.
Spinecheek anemonefish
Location: Papua New Guinea Dive Site: Milne Bay Marine Life ID: Spinecheek anemonefish Camera and Settings: Nikon 100 w/60mm lens in Light & Motion Titan housing with Sea & Sea YX-90 strobes Description: I could spend days with these fish. They're beautiful to watch.
Coral hawkfish
Location: Papua New Guinea Dive Site: Milne Bay Marine Life ID: Coral hawkfish Camera and Settings: Nikon 100 w/60mm lens in Light & Motion Titan housing with Sea & Sea YX-90 strobes Description: This confused hawkfish was cohabitating with a family of anemonefish.

|| |---| | Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week|

Andy Lerner

|||| |---|---|---| | Congratulations Andy Lerner on being named Photographer of the Week | | | |

| ![Whitespotted toby](/files/old/images/potw_images/050604PW_01_lerner_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Maui, Hawaii **Dive Site:** Sheraton Reef **Marine Life ID:** Whitespotted toby **Camera and Settings:** Nikon 100 w/60mm lens in Light & Motion Titan housing with Sea & Sea YX-90 strobes **Description:** Normally a skittish little fish, this one became interested in his reflection in my lens port.| | ![Reef squid](/files/old/images/potw_images/050604PW_02_lerner_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Papua New Guinea **Dive Site:** Lion Island **Marine Life ID:** Reef squid **Camera and Settings:** Nikon 100 w/60mm lens in Light & Motion Titan housing with Sea & Sea YX-90 strobes **Description:** This was taken while she was coming in to check on her eggs.| | ![Blue-spotted ray](/files/old/images/potw_images/050604PW_03_lerner_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Papua New Guinea **Dive Site:** Milne Bay **Marine Life ID:** Blue-spotted ray **Camera and Settings:** Nikon 100 w/60mm lens in Light & Motion Titan housing with Sea & Sea YX-90 strobes **Description:** It's a lot of frustrating work getting close to these animals.| | !["Hairy" ghost pipefish](/files/old/images/potw_images/050604PW_04_lerner_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Papua New Guinea **Dive Site:** Milne Bay **Marine Life ID:** "Hairy" ghost pipefish **Camera and Settings:** Nikon 100 w/60mm lens in Light & Motion Titan housing with Sea & Sea YX-90 strobes **Description:** Many thanks to the dive guides for helping find rare fish like these.| | ![Hawaiian green turtle](/files/old/images/potw_images/050604PW_05_lerner_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Maui, Hawaii **Dive Site:** Sheraton Reef **Marine Life ID:** Hawaiian green turtle **Camera and Settings:** Nikon 100 w/60mm lens in Light & Motion Titan housing with Sea & Sea YX-90 strobes **Description:** I'm not sure, but I think he's smiling.| | ![Crown of thorns](/files/old/images/potw_images/050604PW_06_lerner_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Maui, Hawaii **Dive Site:** Black Rock **Marine Life ID:** Crown of thorns **Camera and Settings:** Nikon 100 w/60mm lens in Light & Motion Titan housing with Sea & Sea YX-90 strobes **Description:** It's tricky business working close to the poisonous thorns on these guys.| | ![Spinecheek anemonefish](/files/old/images/potw_images/050604PW_07_lerner_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Papua New Guinea **Dive Site:** Milne Bay **Marine Life ID:** Spinecheek anemonefish **Camera and Settings:** Nikon 100 w/60mm lens in Light & Motion Titan housing with Sea & Sea YX-90 strobes **Description:** I could spend days with these fish. They're beautiful to watch.| | ![Coral hawkfish](/files/old/images/potw_images/050604PW_08_lerner_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Papua New Guinea **Dive Site:** Milne Bay **Marine Life ID:** Coral hawkfish **Camera and Settings:** Nikon 100 w/60mm lens in Light & Motion Titan housing with Sea & Sea YX-90 strobes **Description:** This confused hawkfish was cohabitating with a family of anemonefish.|
![Andy Lerner](/files/old/images/potw_images/050604PW_00_lerner.jpg)| Andy Lerner **from Santa Monica, Calif.** **Age**: 48 **Years diving**: 13 **Certification**: PADI open water|
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