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Jimmy Villalta of Caracas, Venezuela

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Jimmy Villalta of Caracas, Venezuela

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week

Jimmy Villalta

Congratulations Jimmy Villalta on being named Photographer of the Week
Jimmy Villalta Jimmy Villalta from Caracas, Venezuela Age: 36 Years Diving: 19 Certification: PADI divemaster Occupation: Computer business
Red snapper
Fish ID: Red snapper Location: Salt Pier, Bonaire Camera: Nikonos V, SB 105 Flash Lens: 35 mm Aperture: f-16 Speed: 1/60 Flash: 1/4 power
Porcupine eye
Fish ID: Porcupine eye Location: Chichiriviche de la Costa, Edo Vargas, Venezuela Camera: Nikonos V, SB 105 flash Lens: 35 mm with 1:2 macro Aperture: f-22 Speed: Automatic Flash: TTL
Orange cup coral, polyp detail
Fish ID: Orange cup coral, polyp detail Location: Divi Flamingo Hotel Pier Camera: Nikonos V, SB 105 flash Lens: 35 mm with 1:1 macro Aperture: f-22 Speed: Automatic Flash: TTL
Spotted cleaner shrimp
Fish ID: Spotted cleaner shrimp Location: Andrea II, Bonaire Camera: Nikonos V, SB 105 flash Lens: 35 mm with 1:1 macro Aperture: f-22 Speed: Automatic Flash: TTL
Spotted scorpionfish
Fish ID: Spotted scorpionfish Location: Puerto Maya, Edo. Aragua, Venezuela Camera: Nikonos IV, SB 103 Flash Lens: 35 mm with close up kit Aperture: f-22 Speed: Automatic Flash: Full
Four eye butterflyfish
Fish ID: Four eye butterflyfish Location: Bari, Bonaire Camera: Nikonos IV, SB 103 Flash Lens: 35 mm with close up kit Aperture: f-22 Speed: Automatic Flash: Full
Scrawled filefish
Fish ID: Scrawled filefish Location: Archipielago Las Aves, Venezuela Camera: Nikonos IV, SB 103 Flash Lens: 35 mm with close up kit Aperture: f-22 Speed: Automatic Flash: Full
Yellow seahorse
Fish ID: Yellow seahorse Location: Punta Tuja, Edo Aragua, Venezuela Camera: Nikonos V, SB 105 flash Lens: 35 mm with 1:2 macro Aperture: f-22 Speed: Automatic Flash: TTL

|| |---| | Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week|

Jimmy Villalta

|||| |---|---|---| | Congratulations Jimmy Villalta on being named Photographer of the Week | | | |

| ![Red snapper](/files/old/images/potw_images/020612PW_01_villalta_sm.gif)| | **Fish ID:** Red snapper **Location:** Salt Pier, Bonaire **Camera:** Nikonos V, SB 105 Flash **Lens:** 35 mm **Aperture:** f-16 **Speed:** 1/60 **Flash:** 1/4 power| | ![Porcupine eye](/files/old/images/potw_images/020612PW_02_villalta_sm.gif)| | **Fish ID:** Porcupine eye **Location:** Chichiriviche de la Costa, Edo Vargas, Venezuela **Camera:** Nikonos V, SB 105 flash **Lens:** 35 mm with 1:2 macro **Aperture:** f-22 **Speed:** Automatic **Flash:** TTL| | ![Orange cup coral, polyp detail](/files/old/images/potw_images/020612PW_03_villalta_lg.jpg)| | **Fish ID:** Orange cup coral, polyp detail **Location:** Divi Flamingo Hotel Pier **Camera:** Nikonos V, SB 105 flash **Lens:** 35 mm with 1:1 macro **Aperture:** f-22 **Speed:** Automatic **Flash:** TTL| | ![Spotted cleaner shrimp](/files/old/images/potw_images/020612PW_04_villalta_sm.gif)| | **Fish ID:** Spotted cleaner shrimp **Location:** Andrea II, Bonaire **Camera:** Nikonos V, SB 105 flash **Lens:** 35 mm with 1:1 macro **Aperture:** f-22 **Speed:** Automatic **Flash:** TTL| | ![Spotted scorpionfish](/files/old/images/potw_images/020612PW_05_villalta_sm.gif)| | **Fish ID:** Spotted scorpionfish **Location:** Puerto Maya, Edo. Aragua, Venezuela **Camera:** Nikonos IV, SB 103 Flash **Lens:** 35 mm with close up kit **Aperture:** f-22 **Speed:** Automatic **Flash:** Full| | ![Four eye butterflyfish](/files/old/images/potw_images/020612PW_06_villalta_lg.jpg)| | **Fish ID:** Four eye butterflyfish **Location:** Bari, Bonaire **Camera:** Nikonos IV, SB 103 Flash **Lens:** 35 mm with close up kit **Aperture:** f-22 **Speed:** Automatic **Flash:** Full| | ![Scrawled filefish](/files/old/images/potw_images/020612PW_07_villalta_sm.gif)| | **Fish ID:** Scrawled filefish **Location:** Archipielago Las Aves, Venezuela **Camera:** Nikonos IV, SB 103 Flash **Lens:** 35 mm with close up kit **Aperture:** f-22 **Speed:** Automatic **Flash:** Full| | ![Yellow seahorse](/files/old/images/potw_images/020612PW_08_villalta_lg.jpg)| | **Fish ID:** Yellow seahorse **Location:** Punta Tuja, Edo Aragua, Venezuela **Camera:** Nikonos V, SB 105 flash **Lens:** 35 mm with 1:2 macro **Aperture:** f-22 **Speed:** Automatic **Flash:** TTL|
![Jimmy Villalta](/files/old/images/potw_images/020612PW_00_villalta.gif)| Jimmy Villalta **from Caracas, Venezuela** **Age**: 36 **Years Diving**: 19 **Certification**: PADI divemaster **Occupation**: Computer business|
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