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Matthew Timberger of New York, N.Y.

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Matthew Timberger of New York, N.Y.

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week

Matthew Timberger

Congratulations Matthew Timberger on being named Photographer of the Week
Matthew Timberger Matthew Timberger from New York, N.Y. Age: 29 Years diving: 9 Certification: PADI, OWSI
Giant moray eel
Location: Andaman Sea, Thailand Dive Site: Hin Daeng Marine Life ID: Giant moray eel Camera and Settings: Canon Rebel G in Ikelite housing, 100A strobe on TTL, Fuji Superia 100ASA film Description: I saw this moray poking its head out of a crevice while diving at Hin Dang, one of the best sites in all of Thailand.
Indian lionfish
Location: Similan Islands, Thailand Dive Site: Boulder City Marine Life ID: Indian lionfish Camera and Settings: Canon Rebel G in Ikelite housing, 100A strobe on manual, Fuji Superia 100ASA film Description: This lionfish was hiding from the current between two large boulders.
Masked butterflyfish
Location: Similan Islands, Thailand Dive Site: Christmas Point Marine Life ID: Masked butterflyfish Camera and Settings: Canon Rebel G in Ikelite housing, 100A strobe on manual, Fuji Superia 100ASA film Description: Here we have a small school of colorful butterflyfish swimming between the coral in about 10 meters of water.
Raggy scorpionfish
Location: Andaman Sea, Thailand Dive Site: Hin Muang Marine Life ID: Raggy scorpionfish Camera and Settings: Canon Rebel G in Ikelite housing, 100A strobe on TTL, Fuji Superia 100ASA film Description: Hin Muang is my favorite site in Thailand. This scorpionfish was lying on top of a seamount waiting to have its picture taken.
Juvenile yellow boxfish
Location: Similan Islands, Thailand Dive Site: Deep Six Marine Life ID: Juvenile yellow boxfish Camera and Settings: Canon Rebel G in Ikelite housing, 100A strobe on TTL, Fuji Superia 100ASA film Description: It took a little patience and a few shots to get this photo of the boxfish facing me.
Painted frogfish
Location: Similan Islands, Thailand Dive Site: East of Eden Marine Life ID: Painted frogfish Camera and Settings: Canon Rebel G in Ikelite housing, 100A strobe on TTL, Fuji Superia 100ASA film Description: A nice Finnish girl pointed out this frogfish nestled amongst the coral on one of the most prolific areas of reef I have ever seen.
Diagonal sweetlips
Location: Philippines Dive Site: Tubbataha Atoll Marine Life ID: Diagonal sweetlips Camera and Settings: Canon Rebel G in Ikelite housing, 100A strobe on manual, Fuji Superia 100ASA film Description: After ascending from the deep drop-off I saw this sweetlips waiting to pose for my camera just before starting my safety stop.
Green sea turtle
Location: Galapagos Islands, Ecuador Marine Life ID: Green sea turtle Camera and Settings: Canon Rebel G in Ikelite housing, 100A strobe on TTL, Fuji Provia 100ASA film Description: My brothers and I followed this large turtle for a while. Only one of them was able to make it into this shot with the turtle.

|| |---| | Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week|

Matthew Timberger

|||| |---|---|---| | Congratulations Matthew Timberger on being named Photographer of the Week | | | |

| ![Giant moray eel](/files/old/images/potw_images/060404PW_01_timberger_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Andaman Sea, Thailand **Dive Site:** Hin Daeng **Marine Life ID:** Giant moray eel **Camera and Settings:** Canon Rebel G in Ikelite housing, 100A strobe on TTL, Fuji Superia 100ASA film **Description:** I saw this moray poking its head out of a crevice while diving at Hin Dang, one of the best sites in all of Thailand.| | ![Indian lionfish](/files/old/images/potw_images/060404PW_02_timberger_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Similan Islands, Thailand **Dive Site:** Boulder City **Marine Life ID:** Indian lionfish **Camera and Settings:** Canon Rebel G in Ikelite housing, 100A strobe on manual, Fuji Superia 100ASA film **Description:** This lionfish was hiding from the current between two large boulders.| | ![Masked butterflyfish](/files/old/images/potw_images/060404PW_03_timberger_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Similan Islands, Thailand **Dive Site:** Christmas Point **Marine Life ID:** Masked butterflyfish **Camera and Settings:** Canon Rebel G in Ikelite housing, 100A strobe on manual, Fuji Superia 100ASA film **Description:** Here we have a small school of colorful butterflyfish swimming between the coral in about 10 meters of water.| | ![Raggy scorpionfish](/files/old/images/potw_images/060404PW_04_timberger_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Andaman Sea, Thailand **Dive Site:** Hin Muang **Marine Life ID:** Raggy scorpionfish **Camera and Settings:** Canon Rebel G in Ikelite housing, 100A strobe on TTL, Fuji Superia 100ASA film **Description:** Hin Muang is my favorite site in Thailand. This scorpionfish was lying on top of a seamount waiting to have its picture taken.| | ![Juvenile yellow boxfish](/files/old/images/potw_images/060404PW_05_timberger_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Similan Islands, Thailand **Dive Site:** Deep Six **Marine Life ID:** Juvenile yellow boxfish **Camera and Settings:** Canon Rebel G in Ikelite housing, 100A strobe on TTL, Fuji Superia 100ASA film **Description:** It took a little patience and a few shots to get this photo of the boxfish facing me.| | ![Painted frogfish](/files/old/images/potw_images/060404PW_06_timberger_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Similan Islands, Thailand **Dive Site:** East of Eden **Marine Life ID:** Painted frogfish **Camera and Settings:** Canon Rebel G in Ikelite housing, 100A strobe on TTL, Fuji Superia 100ASA film **Description:** A nice Finnish girl pointed out this frogfish nestled amongst the coral on one of the most prolific areas of reef I have ever seen.| | ![Diagonal sweetlips](/files/old/images/potw_images/060404PW_07_timberger_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Philippines **Dive Site:** Tubbataha Atoll **Marine Life ID:** Diagonal sweetlips **Camera and Settings:** Canon Rebel G in Ikelite housing, 100A strobe on manual, Fuji Superia 100ASA film **Description:** After ascending from the deep drop-off I saw this sweetlips waiting to pose for my camera just before starting my safety stop.| | ![Green sea turtle](/files/old/images/potw_images/060404PW_08_timberger_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Galapagos Islands, Ecuador **Marine Life ID:** Green sea turtle **Camera and Settings:** Canon Rebel G in Ikelite housing, 100A strobe on TTL, Fuji Provia 100ASA film **Description:** My brothers and I followed this large turtle for a while. Only one of them was able to make it into this shot with the turtle.|
![Matthew Timberger](/files/old/images/potw_images/060404PW_00_timberger.jpg)| Matthew Timberger **from New York, N.Y.** **Age**: 29 **Years diving**: 9 **Certification**: PADI, OWSI|
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