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Rand McMeins of Edmonds, Washington (August 2006)

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Rand McMeins of Edmonds, Washington (August 2006)

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week

Rand McMeins

Congratulations Rand McMeins on being named Photographer of the Week

Rand McMeins from Edmonds, Wash. Age: 55 Years Diving: 5 Certification: PADI divemaster

Location: Sea of Cortez Marine Life ID: Sea Lions Camera and Settings: Nikon D2X, natural light, 10.5mm lens, f-5.6 @ 1/320 sec. Description: A must-do dive for anyone who loves sea lion pups, just a crazy experience.

Location: Barkley Sound, British Columbia Marine Life ID: Flabilina Verrucosa Camera and Settings: Nikon D70, 105mm, f-22 Description:Vancouver Island has some of the most fantastic photo opportunities in the world, including nudibranchs of every shape and size.

Location: Lembeh Strait, Indonesia Marine Life ID: Flatworm on tunicate Camera and Settings: Nikon D2X, 105mm 2x teleconverter, f-22 @ 1/125 sec. Description: A surprise to see this little guy exploring, maybe feeding, on this tunicate.

Location: Lembeh Strait, Indonesia Marine Life ID: Goby on whip coral Camera and Settings: Nikon D2X, 105mm 2x teleconverter, Woody's diopter, f-22 @ 1/125 sec. Description: I love shooting tiny subjects even though it can be very challenging to acquire them in the viewfinder.

Dive Site: Hilma Hooker, Bonaire Camera and Settings: Nikon D2X, 10.5mm wide-angle lens, f-8 @ 1/125 sec. Description: Just a wonderful subject in Bonaire.

Dive Site: Japanese Zero Location: Papua New Guinea Camera and Settings: D2X 15mm, f-8 @ 1/125 sec. Description: Discovered 6 years ago, this plane is nearly intact, a super dive for those with a sense of history.

Location: Lembeh Strait, Indonesia Marine Life ID: Pygmy seahorse Camera and Settings: Nikon D2X, 105mm, 2x teleconverter Description: Waiting for the little guys to turn toward you can be time-consuming.

Location: Tiger Beach, Bahamas Marine Life ID: Tiger shark Camera and Settings: Nikon D2X, 15mm, f-10 Description: Shooting the tigers was a real treat but a high pucker factor.

|| |---| | Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week|

Rand McMeins

|||| |---|---|---| | Congratulations Rand McMeins on being named Photographer of the Week | | | |



| Rand McMeins from Edmonds, Wash. Age: 55 Years Diving: 5 Certification: PADI divemaster|

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| | Location: Sea of Cortez Marine Life ID: Sea Lions Camera and Settings: Nikon D2X, natural light, 10.5mm lens, f-5.6 @ 1/320 sec. Description: A must-do dive for anyone who loves sea lion pups, just a crazy experience.|

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| | Location: Barkley Sound, British Columbia Marine Life ID: Flabilina Verrucosa Camera and Settings: Nikon D70, 105mm, f-22 Description:Vancouver Island has some of the most fantastic photo opportunities in the world, including nudibranchs of every shape and size.|

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| | Location: Lembeh Strait, Indonesia Marine Life ID: Flatworm on tunicate Camera and Settings: Nikon D2X, 105mm 2x teleconverter, f-22 @ 1/125 sec. Description: A surprise to see this little guy exploring, maybe feeding, on this tunicate.|

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| | Location: Lembeh Strait, Indonesia Marine Life ID: Goby on whip coral Camera and Settings: Nikon D2X, 105mm 2x teleconverter, Woody's diopter, f-22 @ 1/125 sec. Description: I love shooting tiny subjects even though it can be very challenging to acquire them in the viewfinder.|

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| | Dive Site: Hilma Hooker, Bonaire Camera and Settings: Nikon D2X, 10.5mm wide-angle lens, f-8 @ 1/125 sec. Description: Just a wonderful subject in Bonaire.|

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| | Dive Site: Japanese Zero Location: Papua New Guinea Camera and Settings: D2X 15mm, f-8 @ 1/125 sec. Description: Discovered 6 years ago, this plane is nearly intact, a super dive for those with a sense of history.|

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| | Location: Lembeh Strait, Indonesia Marine Life ID: Pygmy seahorse Camera and Settings: Nikon D2X, 105mm, 2x teleconverter Description: Waiting for the little guys to turn toward you can be time-consuming.|

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| | Location: Tiger Beach, Bahamas Marine Life ID: Tiger shark Camera and Settings: Nikon D2X, 15mm, f-10 Description: Shooting the tigers was a real treat but a high pucker factor.|