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Stan Bysshe of Easton, Md.

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Stan Bysshe of Easton, Md.

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week

Stan Bysshe

Congratulations Stan Bysshe on being named Photographer of the Week
Stan Bysshe Stan Bysshe from Easton, Md. Age: 54 Years diving: 27 Occupation: Surgeon Certification: NASDS
French angel
Marine Life ID: French angel Camera and Settings: Nikon F4 in Aquatica 4n housing with 105mm macro lens, Ikelite 100 strobe, f-8, EV-1, SB-105 at TTL
Marine Life ID: Coney Camera and Settings: Nikon F4 in Aquatica 4n housing with 105mm macro lens, Ikelite 100 strobe, f-16, EV-1/2, SB-105 at TTL
Marine Life ID: Nudibranch Camera and Settings: Nikon F4 in Aquatica 4n housing with 105mm macro lens, Ikelite 100 strobe, f-22, SB-105 at TTL
Spotted cleaner shrimp
Marine Life ID: Spotted cleaner shrimp Camera and Settings: Nikon F4 in Aquatica 4n housing with 105mm macro lens, Ikelite 100 strobe, f-22, EV-1/2, SB-105 at TTL
Tubestra coral
Marine Life ID: Tubestra coral Camera and Settings: Nikon F4 in Aquatica 4n housing with 105mm macro lens, Ikelite 100 strobe and slave, f-22, SB-105 at TTL
Sea fans
Camera and Settings: Nikon F4 in Aquatica 4n housing with 20-35mm 2.8 lens, Ikelite 100 strobe with slave placed under the fans, f-5.6, SB-105 at TTL
Camera and Settings: Nikon F4 in Aquatica 4n housing with 20-35mm 2.8 lens, f-5.6, available light
Camera and Settings: Nikon F4 in Aquatica 4n housing with 20-35mm 2.8 lens, f-8, available light

| Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week|

Stan Bysshe

| Congratulations Stan Bysshe on being named Photographer of the Week

| ![French angel](/files/old/images/potw_images/061203PW_01_bysshe_lg.jpg)| | **Marine Life ID:** French angel **Camera and Settings:** Nikon F4 in Aquatica 4n housing with 105mm macro lens, Ikelite 100 strobe, f-8, EV-1, SB-105 at TTL| | ![Coney](/files/old/images/potw_images/061203PW_02_bysshe_lg.jpg)| | **Marine Life ID:** Coney **Camera and Settings:** Nikon F4 in Aquatica 4n housing with 105mm macro lens, Ikelite 100 strobe, f-16, EV-1/2, SB-105 at TTL| | ![Nudibranch](/files/old/images/potw_images/061203PW_03_bysshe_lg.jpg)| | **Marine Life ID:** Nudibranch **Camera and Settings:** Nikon F4 in Aquatica 4n housing with 105mm macro lens, Ikelite 100 strobe, f-22, SB-105 at TTL| | ![Spotted cleaner shrimp](/files/old/images/potw_images/061203PW_04_bysshe_lg.jpg)| | **Marine Life ID:** Spotted cleaner shrimp **Camera and Settings:** Nikon F4 in Aquatica 4n housing with 105mm macro lens, Ikelite 100 strobe, f-22, EV-1/2, SB-105 at TTL| | ![Tubestra coral](/files/old/images/potw_images/061203PW_05_bysshe_lg.jpg)| | **Marine Life ID:** Tubestra coral **Camera and Settings:** Nikon F4 in Aquatica 4n housing with 105mm macro lens, Ikelite 100 strobe and slave, f-22, SB-105 at TTL| | ![Sea fans](/files/old/images/potw_images/061203PW_06_bysshe_lg.jpg)| | **Camera and Settings:** Nikon F4 in Aquatica 4n housing with 20-35mm 2.8 lens, Ikelite 100 strobe with slave placed under the fans, f-5.6, SB-105 at TTL| | ![Diver](/files/old/images/potw_images/061203PW_07_bysshe_lg.jpg)| | **Camera and Settings:** Nikon F4 in Aquatica 4n housing with 20-35mm 2.8 lens, f-5.6, available light| | ![Diver](/files/old/images/potw_images/061203PW_08_bysshe_lg.jpg)| | **Camera and Settings:** Nikon F4 in Aquatica 4n housing with 20-35mm 2.8 lens, f-8, available light |
![Stan Bysshe](/files/old/images/potw_images/061203PW_00_bysshe.jpg)| Stan Bysshe **from Easton, Md.** **Age**: 54 **Years diving**: 27 **Occupation**: Surgeon **Certification**: NASDS|