Putting Conservation into Action

Shutterstock.com/Inside Creative HouseSee how you can volunteer to support your community through local conservation organizations.

Photo Courtesy/Aggressor AdventuresWayne Brown, CEO Aggressor Adventures
Conservation, Environmental Awareness, Sustainability, Green Operations. These are all great terms, but have you calculated your measurable actions? Every dive industry operation should not only be looking internally where they can economically make strides in these areas, but should also be supporting every destination that they take their customer to. For example, if you offer trips to Roatan, it is not enough to ensure that the dive operation you are using is aligned with your conservation goals, but you should also be asking what the destination itself is doing to support the local environment.
Just as important, how can you help? Are you offering the destination an opportunity for you and your customers to bring more sustainable items that cannot be locally sourced? Are there local conservation organizations you can volunteer with for a whole day or even a half day to make a difference? Are your customers interested in community outreach locally or at your diving destinations? Food drives, school supplies, orphanage partnerships and many other community outreach programs make a real difference and can help influence positive environmental outcomes.
Now is the occasion to outline how your organization makes a difference to conservation and the community.
Wayne B. Brown
CEO Aggressor Adventures
PADI Instructor 174820