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Wreck Diving Articles

What It's Like to Dive the USS Oriskany

Experience the thrill of diving the USS Oriskany. Encounter vibrant marine life, swim through massive structures and witness the transformation of this military titan.

Diving British Columbia's Panther Wreck

Sitting in just 30 feet of water off Panther Point in British Columbia, the Panther is a nearly 200-year-old three-masted clipper wreck teeming with marine life.

Florida Keys: A Wreck Wonderland for Divers

You don’t have to travel halfway across the globe for spectacular wreck diving. World-class wrecks await you in The Florida Keys.

8 Reasons to Learn to Dive in Florida

From year-round diving and a diversity of habitats, Florida has everything you need to learn to dive and advance your skills. With some luck, you could even glimpse a whale shark.

Best Sites to Wreck Dive in Patagonia, Argentina

Patagonia is known to be a destination for adventure travelers above water, but did you know Puerto Madryn, Chubut is recognized as the premier diving capital of Argentina? This unique South American dive destination is filled with shipwrecks of all sizes and depths---each one hiding a different legend.

Diving for Sunken WWII Relics in Hawaii

Hawaii's seabed is littered with long-lost artifacts from World War II. We followed along with one expedition to learn more about what it's like to scavenge for old wrecks.

Top 5 Places to Dive in Germany

Have you ever considered diving in Germany? From wrecks in the Baltic Sea to underground mine diving, make sure to add diving in Germany to your Eurotrip itinerary.

Pensacola's Underwater Wonderland of Artificial Reefs

This maze of bridge supports off Pensacola, Florida, creates a towering artificial reef that draws in snapper, grouper and a host of marine life.

Avocet: A Wreck Dive With Never-Ending Surprises

Drop in on this artificial reef off Pensacola, Florida, and prepare to be overwhelmed by schooling pelagic fish.