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Top 10 Reasons to Dive During Hurricane Season

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Top 10 Reasons to Dive During Hurricane Season

10) To refill your tank, just point it windward and open the valve.

9) You'll have your scuba gear handy when your hotel starts to flood.

8) Dive your front charters needed!

7) Can check "all of the above" for dive conditions in log book.

6) Faster current means you get to see more.

5) All the pretty fish swim in synchronized circles.

4) Save on airfare by drift diving home.

3) Your reef dive easily becomes a wreck dive...named after you!

2) Two words: NO TOURISTS!!

1) How much could it possibly cost to stay in gymnasium with 2000 other people?

10) To refill your tank, just point it windward and open the valve.

9) You'll have your scuba gear handy when your hotel starts to flood.

8) Dive your front charters needed!

7) Can check "all of the above" for dive conditions in log book.

6) Faster current means you get to see more.

5) All the pretty fish swim in synchronized circles.

4) Save on airfare by drift diving home.

3) Your reef dive easily becomes a wreck dive...named after you!

2) Two words: NO TOURISTS!!

1) How much could it possibly cost to stay in gymnasium with 2000 other people?