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Top 10 Reasons Why Divers Should Not Take Viagra

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Top 10 Reasons Why Divers Should Not Take Viagra

10) It increases your drag.

9) Your wetsuit is already tight enough.

8) Because a guy could really get hurt if he had to drop his weight belt.

7) 1 pill to get you up, 20 pounds of lead to get you down.

6) Two words: fire coral.

5) You could accidentally penetrate a wreck.

4) You would constantly be searching for blowfish.

3) It increases your risk of entanglement.

2) Risk of "inappropriate" contact with the reef.

1) Divers aren't supposed to rise quickly.

10) It increases your drag.

9) Your wetsuit is already tight enough.

8) Because a guy could really get hurt if he had to drop his weight belt.

7) 1 pill to get you up, 20 pounds of lead to get you down.

6) Two words: fire coral.

5) You could accidentally penetrate a wreck.

4) You would constantly be searching for blowfish.

3) It increases your risk of entanglement.

2) Risk of "inappropriate" contact with the reef.

1) Divers aren't supposed to rise quickly.