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Top 10 Things for Divers to be Thankful For

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Top 10 Things for Divers to be Thankful For

10) That your in-laws don't dive.

9) No dive computers have a direct link to office computer yet!

8) Canned Air.

7) Your flight arrives on time WITH your luggage.

6) Nitrogen Narcosis - It's legal, Baby!

5) Peeing in your wet suit doesn't attract predators.

4) Sharks don't like the taste of neoprene!

3) I'm thankfull for compressors, it's so hard to blow 3000 psi in those darn tanks.

2) The Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria; Bahamas first three live aboards.

1) The opposite sex in a wet suit!

10) That your in-laws don't dive.

9) No dive computers have a direct link to office computer yet!

8) Canned Air.

7) Your flight arrives on time WITH your luggage.

6) Nitrogen Narcosis - It's legal, Baby!

5) Peeing in your wet suit doesn't attract predators.

4) Sharks don't like the taste of neoprene!

3) I'm thankfull for compressors, it's so hard to blow 3000 psi in those darn tanks.

2) The Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria; Bahamas first three live aboards.

1) The opposite sex in a wet suit!