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Top 10 Things Overheard on the Dive Boat when President Clinton Went Snorkeling on the Great Barrier

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Top 10 Things Overheard on the Dive Boat when President Clinton Went Snorkeling on the Great Barrier

10) "Nice tan, Bubba."

9) "When I was in Florida, I saw the same thing, but it was called a manatee there."

8) "No sir, we're miles from the nearest nude beach."

7) "No Mr. President, Cheeseburger Reef is in Grand Cayman, not Australia."

6) "Tax cut? Well, you know what they say about diving-don't hold your breath!"

5) "Easy on the wake mate, you know how much white water scares him."

4) "Thank you, Mr. President, but we prefer our tips in Australian dollars, not Indonesian rupiahs."

3) "If you don't mind, sir, the chum is for the sharks."

2) "Trust me Mr. President, you're supposed to inhale."

1) "Who is that Ahab guy, and why does he keep circling us?"

10) "Nice tan, Bubba."

9) "When I was in Florida, I saw the same thing, but it was called a manatee there."

8) "No sir, we're miles from the nearest nude beach."

7) "No Mr. President, Cheeseburger Reef is in Grand Cayman, not Australia."

6) "Tax cut? Well, you know what they say about diving-don't hold your breath!"

5) "Easy on the wake mate, you know how much white water scares him."

4) "Thank you, Mr. President, but we prefer our tips in Australian dollars, not Indonesian rupiahs."

3) "If you don't mind, sir, the chum is for the sharks."

2) "Trust me Mr. President, you're supposed to inhale."

1) "Who is that Ahab guy, and why does he keep circling us?"