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Geo-Quiz - August 2010 Clues

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On August 18, 2010
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Geo-Quiz - August 2010 Clues

Clue #1 You're more likely to encounter barracuda, tarpon and schools of silversides than the denizens for whom this site is named. Clue #2 Though relatively shallow, this site is made remarkable by its maze of archways and overhangs. Clue #3 Alliteration is always awesome.

Can you name this mystery spot? → Click Here ←

Check out previous Geo-Quizes April 2010 November 2009 September 2009 June 2009 April 2009

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| | Clue #1 You're more likely to encounter barracuda, tarpon and schools of silversides than the denizens for whom this site is named. Clue #2 Though relatively shallow, this site is made remarkable by its maze of archways and overhangs. Clue #3 Alliteration is always awesome.|

Can you name this mystery spot? → Click Here ←

Check out previous Geo-Quizes April 2010 November 2009 September 2009 June 2009 April 2009