Ashley Annin Articles
This year is dubbed the Year of the Military Diver, and the U.S. Navy has developed a new full-face mask to give divers a new experience underwater.
Washed Ashore is making art out of the marine debris that threatens our oceans.
Your hot new convertible might be a babe-magnet on the roads – but does it drive underwater?
Do you love invertebrates as much as we do? Check out these fantastic underwater photos of squids and octopuses from the 2014 Photo Contest!
Every underwater Superhero will want their own Exosuit. Check out the most awesome dive suit $600,000 can buy.
Are you looking for a new fragrance to get you ready for Shark Week? Then the new fragrance from Sharknado 2: The Second One star Tara Reid could be your perfect fit!
Are you hungry for Shark Week? Then find the Dunkin' Donuts nearest you! The latest sweet-treat from the restaurant is themed for Discovery Channel's much-anticipated special.
The #Selfie song by The Chainsmokers might be the worst thing to happen to music since Slash left Guns 'N Roses, but there's no denying that selfies are sweeping the nation. The next victim? Scuba Divers near you.
Check out how some of our favorite critters "celebrate" Valentine's Day below sea level.