Full-time professional wildlife photographer and writer specializing in the marine environment worldwide for more 30 years. https://www.brandoncole.com/
Brandon Cole Articles
The best places to dive in Mendocino and Sonoma, California, and how to prepare for the region's rugged conditions.
In the Solomon Islands' Munda region, the reach of history is felt everywhere, from untouched wrecks below to proud villages above.
When and where to go snorkeling with five species of whales and dolphins.
The Coral Restoration Foundation, a Florida Keys nonprofit, has replanted 140,000 corals in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary since 2007 thanks to thousands of volunteer divers.
Scuba diving the glass sponge reefs in British Columbia, Canada, presents a unique opportunity for divers to see a very rare, ancient organic reef structure.
World-class underwater photo ops await on the storied coral reefs in Cozumel, Mexico. Here are five must-dive sites in Cozumel.
On South Africa's Wild Coast, divers travel near and far for a chance to take part in the world's largest sardine run.
Scuba diving in the Azores offers epic encounters with pelagic species such as blue sharks, sperm whales, devil rays and more.
The Turks & Caicos Aggressor II liveaboard visits the Dominican Republic's Silver Bank, where divers can swim with humpback whale mother and calf for incredible encounters.