Brent Durand is an avid diver striving to bring ocean awareness to new audiences. He teaches underwater photography and can be found diving California's kelp forests.
Brent Durand Articles
Most divers agree: Exploring a wreck in the depths is an awe-inspiring experience. That experience is only enhanced when you understand the history of each submerged vessel.
Divers rarely have to look far for an adventure—when you spend so much time underwater, the adventure comes to you, whether in your own backyard or some far-flung destination.
Returning to the water after an injury, surgery or other medical condition can be intimidating. You can change your perspective to break free of the loop and establish new productive habits that will get you back in diving shape
Learning how to snag the perfect underwater photo is a challenge, but it can open you up to a whole new world of diving possibilities.
Dialed-in gear is an essential component to your diving safety, comfort and enjoyment
Nothing can guarantee we’ll find a life-changing moment, but occasionally it happens. That’s the joy in seeking the extraordinary, in truly living the dive lifestyle.
Dive travel can be as easy as you make it, and sometimes, giving up control is the best thing you can do for your dive vacation.
A brief overview of the new Generative Fill (AI) feature in Adobe Photoshop and three ways it can be used to edit underwater photos, closing with a few thoughts on AI and the future of underwater photography.