Emilee Jackson Articles
Are you ready for the cuteness overload? Check out these 19 amazing images of fish eggs, whale calves, baby sea turtles, juvenile sharks and more!
Do you love polka dots? What about on underwater animals? From octopuses to shrimps to eagle rays and more, we've got a photo gallery of all your favorite spotted critters!
What killed nine blue whales in Newfoundland? Read here to find out what experts think.
Are you ready for Shark Week? Check out 15 amazing shark photos from our 2014 Underwater Photo Contest! From great whites to oceanic whitetips to hammerheads and more, we've got sharks — and the stories behind how the photographers got their stunning images.
Are you a dive nerd like we are? Read about the latest advances in scuba diving technology — it's an "Iron Man" suit for sea exploration! Want more updates on the underwater world? Go to scubadiving.com.
Would you brave a shark encounter in an inflatable raft? These boaters did, and they bit off a little more than they could chew.