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Jim Bartlett Articles

6 Tips for Crowd Control While Diving

Having trouble avoiding the crowds while diving? Check out our six best tips for avoiding and dealing with crowds on your next dive.

Dive Training: Tips for Clearing Your Ears

Many divers use one technique to equalize — the Valsalva, or “pinching and blowing.” But it doesn’t always work. We've got alternate tips.

Dive Training: Seven Tips for Diving in Low Viz

Learning to be comfortable in low visibility will increase the range of sites where you can enjoy scuba diving.

Dive Training: 9 Tips for Avoiding Underwater Entanglements

Being caught, snagged, snared or otherwise stuck underwater could be life-threatening. Here's how to avoid and get out of these situations.

Dive Training: 8 Tips to Save Air When Diving

Learning to improve air consumption increases your bottom time. Dive training tips for scuba divers.

7 Tips on Dive-Boat Etiquette

The majority of the best dives still require a boat — here are a few quick tips to help you fit right in on board.

11 Quick Tips for Avoiding Motion Sickness

Perhaps nothing ruins a dive trip more quickly than motion sickness – but how can you avoid it? What really works when you're seasick on the dive boat?

Currents: Getting the Most from Pre-Dive Briefings

Six tips on getting the most from pre-dive briefings

5 Packing Tips for Scuba Diving Vacations

Anyone who has taken a few scuba vacations knows: Anything bad that can happen on a scuba trip is likely to happen — unless you take steps to ensure Murphy’s Law doesn’t apply. Here are quick tips to help you steer clear.