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Mike Dombrowski Articles

Scuba App Review: Pearls of the Caribbean HD

Reviews of scuba-diving apps for your mobile device. This week: Pearls of the Caribbean HD, a detailed guide to the topside and underwater attractions of three Caribbean destinations

Scuba App Review: Fish Phone

Reviews of scuba-diving apps for your mobile device. This week: Fish Phone, a handy guide to ocean-friendly seafood

Scuba App Review: Pearl Man

Reviews of scuba-diving apps for your mobile device. This week: Pearl Man

Scuba App Review: WhatsFish2

Reviews of scuba-diving apps for your mobile device. This week: a charming little Astroids-style "fishing" game

Scuba App Review: Expedition White Shark

Reviews of scuba-diving apps for your mobile device. This week: Expedition White Shark

Scuba App Review: Nitrox Tools

Reviews of scuba-diving apps for your mobile device. This week: Nitrox Tools

Scuba Diving App: Reef Fish Identification - Tropical Pacific

Reviews of scuba-diving apps for your mobile device. This week: Reef Fish Identification — Tropical Pacific

Scuba App Review: Tide Table

Reviews of scuba-diving apps for your mobile device. This week: Tide Table

Scuba App Review: Diving Dude

Reviews of scuba-diving apps for your mobile device. This week: Scuba Diving Dude