Nicole Helgason Articles
Learn how to identify staghorn coral, Acropora cervicornis, with this marine-ID guide.
Learn how to identify key coral species like the *Mycedium Elephantotus* coral, more commonly known as elephant nose coral.
Learn how to identify key coral species like the *Isopora Palifera* coral.
Learn how to identify key coral species, starting with pocillopora corals, also called cauliflower coral.
Sharpen your coral-ID skills with these expert tips on how to identify flesky disk coral, or Scolymia lacera.
Sharpen your coral-ID skills with these expert tips on how to identify flesky disk coral, or Scolymia lacera.
Sharpen your coral-ID skills with these expert tips on how to identify mountainous star coral, or Orbicella Faveolata.
Sharpen your coral identification skills with these tips on how to identify rose coral.
Sharpen your coral identification skills with these tips on how to ID smooth flower coral.