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Samantha Whitcraft Articles

Shark and Manta Dives Help Conservation, Studies Show

How can you help save mantas and sharks from extinction? Go dive with them.

Every Shark Counts: Citizen-Scientist Divers Promote Shark Conservation

Projects like SharksCount — part of WildAid's Shark Savers program — the eShark database and ECO-Ocean’s whale shark photo-ID library are providing tools for recreational divers everywhere to become citizen scientists for sharks.

A BLUE Wave of Films

The 2012 BLUE Ocean Film Festival and Conservation Summit showcases the power of movies to save our oceans

SeaView: 5 Rules for Interacting with Wild Dolphins

A blog for divers who are making a difference in the fight to save our ocean environment through marine conservation.

SeaView: Saving Leatherbacks in Trinidad and Tobago

Divers making a difference in the fight to save our ocean environment.