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Take Solmar's Photo Challenge: Round 6

Select either A or B, whichever photo you think was taken by a professional photographer, and see if you chose correctly. Plus you'll learn how you can take breath-taking photos like these! ...

Jimmy Villalta of Caracas, Venezuela

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Jimmy Villalta Congratulations Jimmy ...

Ethan Daniels of Koror, Palau

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Ethan Daniels Congratulations Ethan ...

Visibility: 20/20

Are your dives all a blur? With the latest vision correction procedures, you won't believe your eyes.

BC Care: After Every Dive

BC Care: After Every Dive

Top Ten Ways to Tell You're NOT Going to Win That Underwater Photography Contest

#7 Your film trails you like kelp as you exit the dive.George Donovan of San Diego, Calif.

Top 10 Pick-up Lines for Divers

#1 I'm either bent or in love, sweetheart, because when I see you I get all tingly. Scuba Diving's Top 10 Things Lists

Best 5mm Wetsuits, Neoprene Skins & Vests of 2001

Insulating neoprene is a scuba diver's best friend. Check out ScubaLab's testers' choice for 5mm wetsuits, dive skins, and wetsuit vests.