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Scuba Diving staff Articles

New World Record for Deepest Scuba Dive

A new scuba diving world record was recently set when Egyptian special forces officer Ahmed Gabr plunged to more than 1,090 feet in the Red Sea.

Lad Akins Spearheads the Battle Against Invasive Lionfish Species

Lad Akins has spearheaded the battle against invasive lionfish in the Caribbean and Atlantic via his leadership at Reef Environmental Education Foundation.

Video: Corals and Sponges Come to Life in this Amazing Time-lapse Film

Marine Biologist and PhD student Daniel Stoupin has made an amazing time-lapse video of the Great Barrier Reef's sponges and corals under high magnification, showing a world of color and shapes that highlights the biodiversity of the largest coral reef ecosystem in the world.

Keller Laros Awarded for Saving Manta Rays in Hawaii

The video of Keller Laros’ rescue of an entangled Kona dolphin went viral last year, but protecting Hawaii’s manta rays is our July Sea Hero’s real focus.

Massive School of Anchovies Aggregates off Coast of La Jolla, California

From a distance, it looks like a huge oil spill - but when you look closer, you can see that it's actually a massive school of fish. Samples of these Northern anchovies were taken to the lab for analysis, but scientists are still unclear on why they appeared off the coast in such shallow water.

Survive Any Dive Catastrophe!

Overpowering currents! Raging storms! Marauding sharks! Your dive instructor never mentioned you'd have days like this. Here's how to get home safely.

Donate to REEF today

Would you like to help raise money for marine-conservation research? REEF, a grassroots organization that aims to protect marine ecosystems, is accepting donations.

ScubaLab 2013: Scuba Mask Reviews

ScubaLab took 21 scuba masks into the water to test field of view, volume, function and features. Here's the rundown.

2013 ScubaLab Masks: Testers' Choice - SCUBAPRO Spectra Trufit

The SCUBAPRO Spectra Trufit was a Testers' Choice at the ScubaLab Mask Test and Gear Review. Get the specs!