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Becoming a Complete Diver

How continuing your NAUI dive training will upgrade your underwater adventures.
By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On April 17, 2019
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Becoming a Complete Diver

Getting certified as a NAUI Scuba Diver is just the beginning of a life-changing adventure.

You took the course because you were intrigued by the underwater world. Becoming a diver would be a challenge, but you gladly accepted. You shopped around for the right training agency that offered a solid international reputation, a strong local presence in your area, and the best value for your hard-earned budget. The class wasn’t easy, but your instructor was kind and enthusiastic, and customized the training to build upon your strengths, while addressing your concerns with care and attention, so you could get the most benefit out of your time in the classroom and in the water. You learned way more than you expected about the physics of diving, the underwater environment and the standards regarding dive safety. On your first open water check-out dive, everything came together. And you knew you’d never be the same again.

With your NAUI certification card, you can experience the wild blue world of underwater wonders. The world’s oceans, lakes and other bodies of water are your playground. And along the way you’ll meet the amazing creatures that call them home. But earning that entry-level Scuba Diver certification is only the first step in a lifetime of learning. Continuing your training will open new opportunities to ramp up the excitement — in addition to your comfort and safety for you and the divers around you. From Advanced Scuba Diver through a variety of Specialty Courses such as Deep Diver, Wreck Diver and Underwater Digital Imaging, and on to Master Scuba Diver, the logical progression of training in the NAUI program will build not only your skills and security in the water, but also your overall confidence and competence in everything you do.

Here’s what you can learn in a few of NAUI’s most popular advanced and specialty courses.

Advanced Scuba Diver Level up from your entry-level Scuba Diver rating by learning the next-level skills to tackle more challenging environments underwater. The course includes training in the core skills of navigation, deep diving to 130 feet, and night or low-visibility diving. In addition, you and your instructor will choose three other activities, such as shore diving, boat diving, hunting and collecting, search and recovery, and many more to round out your experience.

Enriched Air Nitrox (EANx) Diver Every diver, no matter what their level of certification, should learn to use enriched air Nitrox. With additional oxygen added to the breathing gas, Nitrox offers longer bottom times, shorter surface intervals, and other physiological and experiential benefits. This specialty course will teach you how to properly plan your dive profiles, analyze your mixtures, and much more.

Wreck Diver (External Survey) Few underwater attractions hold the allure of shipwrecks, and the Wreck Diver specialty course trains students to explore sunken ships, airplanes and other man-made objects with greater safety and appreciation. Understanding the added challenges of overhead environments, navigation, specialized equipment, and artifacts and treasure salvage will increase every diver’s security and enjoyment.

Underwater Ecologist Exploring coral reefs, kelp forests and other aquatic environments is why most of us learn to dive in the first place. This specialty course will enhance your knowledge and appreciation of these delicate ecosystems and improve your stewardship of our most precious resources.

Drysuit Diver Cold water won’t keep you from the fun if you dive dry. Focused on the specialized equipment and operation of drysuits, this course will build your expertise and confidence in environments where few others are brave enough — or properly trained — to venture, from frozen lakes to deep wrecks and chilly winter days.

Underwater Digital Imaging Capturing the beauty of the underwater world in still images and video is one of the most popular pastimes for divers, but getting the shot involves much more than just mastering the equipment. The NAUI Underwater Digital Imaging course combines photography and videography and covers imaging techniques, lighting and troubleshooting, and the dive skills needed to pull it all off.

Master Scuba Diver The pinnacle of recreational diving, this certification will set you apart from the pack as a respected leader in the dive community. Through a combination of advanced dive theory and scuba skills, including emergency procedures and rescue to search and recovery, this course empowers students to become the most prepared and confident diver in most any situation.

Don’t settle for being anything less than a complete diver. It’s time to get your dive training in line with your aspirations. To make your underwater dreams come true, you’ve got to have the right training. And NAUI has you covered with a range of courses to prepare you for a lifetime of underwater adventure.
