Scuba App Review: Wrecks of the Adriatic

Wrecks of the Adriatic Sea
Version: 1.1
Price: $4.99
Platform: iPhone, iPad
Description: Wrecks of the Adriatic Sea is a diver’s guide to the wrecks of the Croatian Adriatic Sea. It’s designed to be educational and informative for more then just divers. During his explorations, Daijel Frka collected historical facts, photos and videos for many wrecks, and 19 of these are presented in the app. The app is available in English and Croatian.
Pros: Very intuitive feel to the application and it’s well laid out; also, great detail on the history and photographs. Good dive information in both imperial and metric. GPS coordinates and map locations are also available.
Cons: There is no overlay of depth. There also isn’t a legend, compass, or scale to length or depth of the wrecks on the 3D images.
Bottom Line: A group of people spent a good amount of time building this app. The photography and information is well researched and laid out. The 3D images are stunning. There are a few things I feel are missing. The 3D maps in this app do not show you a scale, compass, or orientation in the water. Also, I think this app would be way cooler if it overlaid depth and recommended dive approaches to the wrecks, much like the innovative dive-site cards that some operators choose to do their briefings with. On a whole the stunning photos, 3D images, and information on the Wrecks of the Adriatic Sea are cool, but the price is a bit steep if you won’t be using it to dive these very wrecks.
To download this app, visit Wrecks of the Adriatic Sea.
PADI Rescue Diver Michael Dombrowski, President of DomCo Electronics, Inc., is an Electrical and Software Engineer with over 10 years of experience specializing in iOS applications and rapid prototyping. He has created apps for the educational industry, including The Organwise Guys, and for the dive industry with RB Planner, as well as prototypes for the Arduino Community. To see more, visit his website at