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Scuba 911

If something went wrong on your next dive, would you be the hero or the helpless bystander?

Hidden Dangers

Have you grown complacent when it comes to dive safety? Here are eight examples of how little mistakes can add up to big trouble.

Penetrating Questions

When diving a wreck, should you go inside? Not without proper training.

9/6: Use Less Air

Make sure your octopus doesn't free flow. Detune it if you can, and mount it so its mouthpiece always points downward.

Out Of Their Depth

Two divers follow a divemaster beyond the level of their training. Only one comes back.

Grace Under Pressure: Dealing with Panic Underwater

Panic may be the No. 1 cause of scuba fatalities, and experienced divers are not immune. Here's how to keep your cool when things turn rough under water.

Solo Certification: It's Time

Will "Solo Diver" be the new C-card you flash on your next dive trip?