Scuba App Review: Pearls of the Caribbean HD

Pearls of the Caribbean HD
Pearls of the Caribbean HD
******Version:** 1.0.1
Price: $2.99 (iPhone), $4.99 (iPad)
Platform: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad
Description: Pearls of the Caribbean HD (and non HD) is a diving and travel companion guide to St. Lucia, Dominica, and St. Vincent. It provides information on dive centers, dive sites, weather conditions, and location information.
Pros: Gorgeous photos and a lot of information on the three locations featured.
Cons: Features only three Caribbean islands in the Caribbean.
Bottom Line: This app is great if you plan on diving in St. Lucia, Dominica, or St. Vincent. It’s laid out in categories across the bottom of the app. Each island has a “Story” to it that tells you about its history and top spots above and below the water. If that weren’t enough information, the app goes even further and provides a map of all the must-see dive sites and offgassing spots around each island. To make your trip even easier the developers have provided a listing of all the dive operators with contact information and various information in order to better plan your vacation. My favorite part of the app was the “More” section, which included beautiful high res photos of the creatures you might encounter when diving these three islands. This is the kind of app I’d like to see for every country I plan a dive vacation for. If I had more time this might even inspire me to write a similar app for Florida. The only downfall is the app only focuses on the three islands; I’d love to the developers expand to other destinations in the Caribbean.
To purchase, go to Pearls of the Caribbean HD.
PADI Rescue Diver Michael Dombrowski, President of DomCo Electronics, Inc., is an Electrical and Software Engineer with over 10 years of experience specializing in iOS applications and rapid prototyping. He has created apps for the educational industry, including The Organwise Guys, and for the dive industry with RB Planner, as well as prototypes for the Arduino Community. To see more, or if you have an idea for an app, visit his website at

Pearls of the Caribbean HD
******Version:** 1.0.1
Price: $2.99 (iPhone), $4.99 (iPad)
Platform: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad
Description: Pearls of the Caribbean HD (and non HD) is a diving and travel companion guide to St. Lucia, Dominica, and St. Vincent. It provides information on dive centers, dive sites, weather conditions, and location information.
Pros: Gorgeous photos and a lot of information on the three locations featured.
Cons: Features only three Caribbean islands in the Caribbean.
Bottom Line: This app is great if you plan on diving in St. Lucia, Dominica, or St. Vincent. It’s laid out in categories across the bottom of the app. Each island has a “Story” to it that tells you about its history and top spots above and below the water. If that weren’t enough information, the app goes even further and provides a map of all the must-see dive sites and offgassing spots around each island. To make your trip even easier the developers have provided a listing of all the dive operators with contact information and various information in order to better plan your vacation. My favorite part of the app was the “More” section, which included beautiful high res photos of the creatures you might encounter when diving these three islands. This is the kind of app I’d like to see for every country I plan a dive vacation for. If I had more time this might even inspire me to write a similar app for Florida. The only downfall is the app only focuses on the three islands; I’d love to the developers expand to other destinations in the Caribbean.
To purchase, go to Pearls of the Caribbean HD.
PADI Rescue Diver Michael Dombrowski, President of DomCo Electronics, Inc., is an Electrical and Software Engineer with over 10 years of experience specializing in iOS applications and rapid prototyping. He has created apps for the educational industry, including The Organwise Guys, and for the dive industry with RB Planner, as well as prototypes for the Arduino Community. To see more, or if you have an idea for an app, visit his website at