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Gear You Should Get for Wreck Diving

Before you explore your first wrecks, here are a few key pieces of scuba gear you might want to add to your kit.

60:Second ScubaLab - IST Proline OL80 Dive Mask Lenses

If you have a need for specialized mask lenses, IST Proline has multiple options for you. The OL80 dive mask lenses are available in clear, tinted and optical corrections and can be fitted to a number of different mask styles.

IST Proline: Developing Top-Quality Scuba Gear for 35 Years

IST is a family owned and operated manufacturer with three separate equipment lines available to the diving community. We have been manufacturing quality watersports equipment for others as well as ourselves for over 35 years, so while you may not have seen our logo frequently, chances are you have enjoyed our gear somewhere before.

60:Second ScubaLab - IST Dolphin Tech T110

The Dolphin Tech T110 Canister light generates a super-bright light beam well suited for advanced diving or cave exploration. In ScubaLab testing, its three LEDs produced an intense 12-inch diameter hotspot, matching the brightest ScubaLab has ever tested.

Diving Lights: Polarion Abyss Dual S

ScubaLab tests Polarion's Abyss Dual S big primary diving light

Diving Lights: IST Sports T-16 LED Sunny

ScubaLab tests IST Sports' T-16 LED Sunny pocket diving light

Canister Lights: Watershot Strykr 10W 100M Dive Light Kit

ScubaLab tests Watershot's Strykr 10W 100M canister dive-light kit

Compact Primary Lights: Light & Motion Sola Dive 1200

ScubaLab tests Light & Motion's Sola Dive 1200 compact primary dive light

2011 ScubaLab Dive Lights: Tester's Choice

ScubaLab's Tester's Choice Picks for 2011 dive lights