This is one of the most beautiful dive videos on the internet right now. Take the time to watch this relaxing video of a dive in a newly-flooded meadow.
Europe Articles
Our latest issue of Secret Spot is of Lake Fernsteinsee, which has crystal-clear waters and an abundance of underwater growth.
Are you ready to be challenged as a diver? Here are 15 experiences that are guaranteed to take you to the next level. All you have to do is commit.
Have you ever seen a Sea Angel (Clione limacina)? While scuba diving in Russia's White Sea, photographer Franco Banfi captured this underwater photo of the elusive creature. See what camera gear he used, and where to go to make the dive yourself! Want more photos that make you LOOK? Go to
Do you have what it takes to dive under the ice in Russia's White Sea? Our experts give an expanded list of the necessary scuba diving skills and training to complete this challenging technical dive, as well as the diving gear you'll need. Hint: A fantastic drysuit and dry gloves are No. 1 on the list!
Do you want to explore scuba diving in the Mediterranean? Take a trip to Gozo, located south of Italy.
Do you find pelicans fascinating? Check out diving with the dalmatian pelicans at Lake Kerkini in Greece.
Are you a fan of wreck diving? Check out what is happening in Limassol, Cyprus.
Want to add a little adrenalin to your diving? See if you're ready for the challenge to dive the world's fastest tidal current: Saltstraumen in Norway.