An amazing photo gallery of whale sharks — the biggest fish in the sea — from around the world.
Maldives Articles
Lovely ships, spectacular dives, and friendly crews await you on Siren Fleet Luxury Liveaboards
From the Andaman Sea to the Coral Sea, this region offers unspoiled reefs, big animals, thrilling drifts, World War II wrecks and unparalleled macro life.
Stunning video from Nat Geo: When tide and current turn a tiny bay into a bowl of plankton, manta rays in the Maldives gather for a roiling, whirling feast.
These human-assisted habitats act like defibrillation paddles, revving up struggling reefs and reviving declining fish populations from Florida to Indonesia and beyond.
Peter Hughes knows a thing or two about live-aboards, and he has a spot in the DEMA Hall of Fame to prove it. In 2011, Hughes received the DEMA Reaching Out Award for helping to evolve the live-aboard diving industry over the past three decades. That same year, after spending more than 25 years building his former live-aboard company, Peter Hughes Diving, Inc., the 40-year scuba diving veteran threw all of his expertise and energy into a new live-aboard venture, the DivEncounters Alliance
Based on the opinions of thousands of divers from across the globe, our annual Top 100 Readers Choice Awards showcase the best scuba diving in the world.
Scuba Dive Asia is offering special early-bird discounts to 125 of the planet's best dive destinations — and the dive travel deal is only available to readers of Scuba Diving Magazine.