A scuba diver's dozen of exploration-worthy shipwrecks from North Carolina to Indonesia you'll want to add to your wreck diving bucket list.
Palau Articles
Augusta, GA -- Aggressor and Dancer Fleet, in partnership with Scuba Schools International, are pleased to announce that the SSI Advanced Adventurer Certification is now available FREE OF CHARGE to all guests traveling on a Dancer Fleet or Aggressor Fleet cruise.
One of our most coveted awards: Find out which operators, resorts and liveaboards made our Top 100 Gold List!
In Palau, divers combine their passion for sharks with a new method of conservation.
The Mystery Destination is “Palau” Palau is notable for its marine bio-diversity including over 1,300 species of fish and over 700 species of coral but its reputation for "sharks on every dive" is among ...
Live-aboard dive vessel in Truk Lagoon (Chuuk), Federated States of Micronesia.