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Philippines Articles

World's Best Shark Dives: 20 Apex Encounters

Looking for an out-of-the-ordinary shark dive? Here are five you probably haven't heard about but should — plus 15 favorites we just can't get enough of.

Reliving History: New Details Surface About Mysterious Wrecks

After years of searching, divers discover the remains of three long-lost wrecks and reveal more details about their mysteries.

Look: The Poisonous Mototi Octopus

Beautiful but deadly, this tiny critter is a close cousin of the blue-ringed octopus. Learn how pro photographer Jeffrey Chua de Guzman got the shot.



Video: Incredible Manta Ray Rescue

Check out the latest video from GoPro, where two divers save an entangled manta ray in the Philippines!

Short Film: Voyage of the Labyrinth

Watch diver James and the rest of his team as they set on a sailing and diving adventure in the South China Sea.

Look: Nocturnal Stargazer

The nocturnal reticulate stargazer buries itself in the sand, with only its face protruding, waiting for unsuspecting prey to swim overhead.

Underwater Photo Gallery: Camouflaged Critters

Many reef creatures have adapted in such a way that they can hide in plain view. Judy G presents a photo gallery of these masters of disguise.