Color is lost as you descend in the water column. Here's how to get it back.
Move slowly to your nearest cleaning station and settle in — great shots are on their way.
Think about what your kick style and common dive sites are to figure out what fin is best for you.
Here are the best places to snap colorful coralscapes, from Fiji to Cuba.
Establishing hand signals topside and setting up your shot before your dive buddy joins the shot will streamline your underwater photography process.
Crank up that ISO, leverage a sunny day and think of kelp as a backdrop to capture stunning shots underwater.
As the foundation of your camera kit, a tray-and-handle system provides stability and holds lights to brighten your shots.
Good buoyancy, the right equipment, and a commitment to developing your skills over time are all vital.
Streamline your kit based on the images you want to create, especially when shooting macro, and leave the rest behind.