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Sea Hero Articles

Scuba Diving Magazine Announces Seiko as Sponsor of Sea Hero Awards

*Scuba Diving* magazine announced watch brand Seiko has signed on as the sponsor of its Sea Hero Awards.

August 2015 Sea Hero: Laura James

This two-time Emmy-winning filmmaker is our August Sea Hero for her commitment and passion for our oceans.

Brian Kakuk Named Sea Hero of The Year 2016-17

The Sea Hero of the Year honor comes with a $5,000 contribution from Oris.

Larry McKenna Honored for Saving Leatherback Sea Turtles

After a lifetime of adventure in the Air Force, filmmaker Larry McKenna turned to a different adventure: saving leatherback turtles.

Scuba Diver Annie Crawley Honored for Protecting the Ocean

Through education, inspiration and motivation, Annie Crawley hopes to protect the oceans’ future by reaching out to our own future: children

Meet Cave Diver and Scuba Diving Sea Hero Brian Kakuk

For his dedication to the underwater world, and his championing of the Crystal Caves of the Bahamas’ Abaco Island, he is our Jan/Feb 2017 Sea Hero.

Meet Ocearch Founder and Scuba Diving Sea Hero Chris Fischer

Founder, chairman and expedition leader of OCEARCH, Chris Fischer is honored for his innovative approach to great white shark research and conservation.

Underwater Photographer Thomas Peschak Joins Scuba Diving’s Sea Heroes

Thomas Peschak is a globally ­recognized photographer for ­National Geographic magazine who inspires ­millions with his images.

OFFICIAL RULES: Dive Stuart Cove's Instagram Contest 2016

Upload a scuba diving photo on Instagram using #DiveStuartCoves for a chance to win a free