When it was time to decommission High Island 389A, the nation’s only oil rig in a NOAA sanctuary, regulators strove to balance a diving attraction with environmental preservation.
Texas Articles
Located about 100 miles off the coasts of Texas and Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico lies the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary.
Coral reefs aren't just for the Caribbean — Texas has them too. Scuba dive the reefs of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary in the Gulf of Mexico.
Check out the latest purpose-sunk shipwrecks for scuba divers in Sabah National Park, Galveston, Texas and Pernambuco Artificial Wreck Marine Park.
Presenting the 2017 readers choice awards for best macro scuba diving in North America.
A team of scientists led by leading cave biologist and Texas A&M Galveston professor Dr. Tom Lliffe recently explored the depths of Phantom Springs Cave, Texas, reaching depths of 460 feet on their seven-hour expedition, with no end in sight.
Have you heard about the remote gems in the Gulf of Mexico about 100 miles off the Texas/Louisiana coast? Discover the Flower Garden Banks NMS.