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Travel Articles

Freshwater Florida

From the forests of north Florida flow a network of freshwater springs with unlimited visibility and untapped dive potential.

Scenes from the 8th Annual Bonaire Dive Festival

Bonaire says "Bon bini" to divers as it hosts the 8th annual Dive Festival, June 5 - 19.

Queensland, Australia: Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea

If you haven't yet dived the Great Barrier Reef, here's your dive vacation planner. For more on Australia's Great Barrier Reef, visit

Fort Lauderdale

Embarrassment of Riches: Ritzy Fort Lauderdale is easy on the eyes--above water and below.


Why fly halfway around the world when you can find feisty great whites just south of the border--and just off California.

Papua New Guinea Travel Guide

Wanted: A few good divers to explore virgin reefs, deep wrecks and abundant marine life. Tourists need not apply.

Florida Keys Lobster Mania

In the Florida Keys, our interpid reporter joins 50,000 bug-crazed hunters in the search for the dive world's most expensive free meal.


Diving Downtown: In this artsy tourist enclave, you're never more than a few blocks from great shore diving.

Gulf Rigs--Artificial Reefs, Real Marine Life

Man, machine and ocean combine on the U.S. Gulf Coast to create diving's most mind-boggling hybrid—rig diving.